Monday, May 10, 2021

Slovenia - Friends (Prijatelji)

 Greetings from Slovenia!

Last year the pandemic stopped us, but this year we succeeded despite the same situation.

We recorded a song about friendship - Friends (Prijatelji). We hope you enjoy it!

Let's sing together:

We share a common planet,

beneath a common sun,

so we should stick together,

like all of us is one.


  1. Oh, what a very nice song and great message!
    It's wonderful to see the kids having fun and enjoying what their are doing.

  2. We loved the song and the background with the cool drawings and painting. The rap in the middle was really good. Very powerful message to be kind. Best of luck

  3. Very creative work, a nice song, great art work and movement. Good to see everyone having fun. Congrats everyone!

  4. very good song you did i hope we get votes

  5. Friendship is very important for this time.Great idea with cartoon background. Greetings from the Czech Republic.

  6. Bery prfect song

  7. Friends are so important in our lives. May friendship be always honoured by everyone. Good luck from Malta!

  8. The melody of the song is very nice! We also enjoyed seeing your drawings :) Good luck from Finland!

  9. Hello neighbours:)
    Your rapper is great and all the other singers too!
    Good luck from Austria!

  10. Pleasant beat, the video is also very interesting. Good luck from Latvia.

  11. Very nice song! Good luck from Greece!

  12. Great rap and nice voices. And some of slovenian words are similar as slovakian words. :-)

  13. It is imposible to imagine our life without friends! Nice song and pleasant singing.Good luck from Ukraine!🙂

  14. What I like about Schoolovision that it brings different music and so many ideas. And your song is excellent for a great young pianist, who gives it very original sound and fabulous rapper. Bilingual chorus is also catchy :-)


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